Full text and images of Jennifer’s email. See the following video for more information: https://youtu.be/9up4Ymp6ZK8
The full email text:
Hey all,
Sorry I haven’t been in touch recently, but I’m sure you can understand the reasons why.
This may be the next to the next to the next to the next to the next to the next to the next to the next to the next to the last time you hear from me.
I want to address each of you individually first, and then I’ll go into more detail afterwards.
Joon: You’ll receive a separate email containing the password.
Norman: Thank you so much! Please watch over him. You’re the big brother he never had.
Cindy: How’s your karaoke career going, bitch? If Zoey takes the fall, you’re dead.
Juan: My sister will meet you the 2nd Wednesday of last month at 11AM behind Dave’s thrift shop.
Brian: Congrats!!! I think?? ;)
Peter: Where’s the cream corn you promised???
Tanesha: You know she loves you. Don’t give up and keep trying!!!
Abe: Charles has what you need. Just tell him I sent you.
Gilmer: The bagel is jellied and the fork sings in J Minor.
Jean: See attached!
I think that’s everyone.
Okay, so let’s get to it: I wish I could say all this to you in person, but as most of you know, I’ve lost my corporeal form again. That’s the fifth time this week. So, suffice it to say, it’s a bit difficult to meet face to face since, you know, I don’t have a face. Anyway, that’s not what this is about.
My sessions at A.S. have been going well (btw I absolutely love M’s garden treatment and highly recommend it!). But this email and what we are involved in has nothing to do with that either.
You know why I’m writing you all. We need to seriously reconsider going any further with this. I’m begging you. I know we thought it was a good idea at first, but look at everything that has transpired since: the bakery on Green Street, Mrs. Rathbun’s cat, the bridge, the church, and the chickens. THE CHICKENS!!!!! The chickens were the last straw. Not to mention what happened to Nell, Minying, Julio, Gerald, Janell, and all the others.
I know it’s not our fault, but it’s not too late to put the brakes on this thing because it’s only going to get worse.
Is what they promised each of us really worth it???
I don’t know about ya’ll, but I’m gonna do everything in my power to put an end to this, whether you help me or not. Even if that means getting Him involved.
I’ll try to return as soon as I can so we can discuss further in person, but time works differently where I am.
Think about it. Please. If not for me, then for them.
P.S. I know where Lydia is
The images: